Thursday, January 20, 2011

Whee! Font Problem Solved

Well, after doing multiple fix attempts for my variant font sizes problem, changes of templates, editing of HTML, I discovered the problem! An unclosed superscript tag in a post.

WHEE! Problem Solved. Now I shall burst into an Arrogant Worms song:
Billy solves his problems by calling up his mom
Heather solves her problems with drugs and alcohol
Daniel solves his problems with a doctor and the law
But Malcolm has his own way and it's better than them all

'Cause Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw
and he never has the same problem twice

Whether it's a bill or a cheque arriving late
Rancid marble cheese or a steak that's second rate
Awful TV programs or a broken Elvis plate
Or his fiancee who dumps him because he's gaining weight

Malcolm solves his problems with a chain-saw
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw
Malcolm solves his problems with a chainsaw
and he never has the same problem

Problem solved.


  1. Yesssss! I love the arrogant worms. I will now while away several hour in YouTube. Thanks a lot!

  2. And I bet you had a bunch of fun on YouTube!

    I have bought five CDs in my life, two of them are Arrogant Worms albums. Bless the high school English teacher that introduced me to the group!
